Document Cleanup Automation for Microsoft Word

Furthering the effort to bring practical automated tools to professionals everywhere, today we introduce “Create Clean Document”. Clean up your documents quickly and easily with this lightweight approach. We designed with the normal everyday Microsoft Word user in mind.

We all know the examples; the same old templates get re-used and circulated over and over or badly structured documents filled with clutter.

What happens when you receive one of these magic documents from outside the organization and we need to collaborate? Precious hours are wasted, hours that can be better spent focusing on the importance of the message.

DocStyle’s Create Clean Document feature will remove all the erroneous formatting, which often leads to problems found within these older re-purposed files. The DocStyle cleanup process will first and most importantly create a brand-new Word document, leaving possible file corruption behind.

During our automated cleanup process, we will strip out all existing styles applied to the document within seconds while preserving valuable content. Additional cleanup options provide users with direct control over how this new file is created, all of which leave your document looking identical and ready for healthy manipulation.

Our philosophy is simple, smart features that are easy to use, circumventing the complexity of Microsoft Word benefiting users of all skill levels. Whether you’re coming from PDF or have a Word document that fell victim to the proliferation of old files with no disposition policy governing their existence.

DocStyle delivers the perfect way to start fresh!